Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Travel with a Cause or Cost?

Tell you what, traveling is costly. Oh. As if you don't know that yet. Just simply going to your friend's house costs you something. What more with traveling, right?

Smart travelers plan their travels well. Strictly follow their itinerary and budget to lessen the possibility of running out of money while traveling. However, some travelers do not have any itinerary and are running out of money but still surviving. How? By taking advantage of volunteering gigs.

I am a bum. I don't plan. I travel. I did not imagine myself helping others when I first started traveling. I travel to see the world, not to make a better one. Compassion was not even in vocabulary.  My friends can attest to that. But when I was running out of money, I had to do something. Even though I work online, it was not enough to continue my lifestyle. So I checked online to see what else can I do to sustain my travels. And I came across with a volunteering website and read about a project that provides free accommodation, meals and transportation with occasional sight seeing in exchange of teaching English less fortunate children in rural areas in Northern Vietnam. I am not good with kids but still, I sent an email to the organizer that I want in. All I wanted was to get those freebies.  

The project organizer accepted me as one of their volunteers. So we traveled from Hanoi to a small town in the north. We arrived late in the evening so I did not see much of the town. The next morning, we went to a primary public school. We were on our way to one of the classrooms and shockingly all the students, even the teachers, went out of their classrooms to greet us. Felt like a rock star. They even asked autographs and took pictures with us. Talked with the kids for a couple of minutes. I saw excitement in their eyes. The urge to learn English, eagerness to talk with foreigners. I did not see it coming. I fell for it. I suddenly felt the need to help. It dawned to me how blessed I am to know different languages and there's a lot of people out there who wants to learn but they can't afford it. I may not be able to help global warming, but I can help these kids to have a better future. No more to language barrier. 

So yes, instead of my initial plan to volunteer for 2 weeks, I ended up volunteering for a few more months. I still get my free accommodation, meals and transportation. I now go to schools with my bicycle, it's a good way to loss weight because meals are really good here that I can't help but to eat more. Ah yes, the occasional sight seeing is true.

There is always a twist in the story. But we all want a happy ending.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Actual Top 10

Ah. Right. Top Things to Do. You have read a lot about it. Every travel blogger will tell you where to go and things to do. But have you ever question what backpackers really do?

Curiosity killed the cat. Too bad, you're human.

So  here's the Top 10 Backpackers Do when they are not taking pictures that make you envious and want to start traveling too. 

Social Media
Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. You name it. Backpackers want to stay connected with family and friends. You want people to see how happy you are during your travels. Because their likes and comments will boost your confidence and urges you to continue traveling even if you badly misses everyone back home. Ah. Yes. You miss everyone too, even that crazy person who likes to spread outrageous rumors about you.

Photo Editing
You are taking your time to decide which photo to post and find the right the filter to make up with your crappy photography skills. Did I not tell you not to take selfies so you won't have to spend so much effort on editing your photos? The landscapes can stand alone. So #NoFilter can be real.

Read Books
Into The Wild. Eat Pray Love. Paper Towns. Yes, the usual backpacker read at least one if not all of these books already. You may never admit it but you've probably read them twice because you're too bored and can't think of any other things to do while on the bus, train or plane. Or maybe you're just too lazy to go out of your hostel.

Listen to Music
You are a music lover now. You did not even know what blues was, now you're a Robert Johnson freak. And you can sing a long with most of the songs on your sister's playlist. She'll be proud of you. Blame the bus driver for playing weird local songs that forced you to listen and appreciate Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber more. Hey, deny it all you want, but I know you are singing their song in your head.

Watch TV Series/ Movies
Movie lovers. TV Series addict. Yes, you have time. You've got a lot of time. You probably watched twice as much movies and/or episode while traveling than when you were at home. 

Learn to Fold
Playing cards are everywhere. Trust your street vendors. Lazy night. New friends. But you don't want to tell them about your whole life story or maybe you can over a card game. Ha. I know. It's weird. So yes, maybe you can talk about your travels. Or how stupid your government is. You get to know people over card games. Believe me, you may even hear the most ridiculous conspiracy theory from a guy who's losing so bad in Texas hold 'em. Uno is perfect, you won't need breathalyzer.

Foosball (Table Soccer)
No. You did not know how to play this game at all but that was a long time ago.When you were just stuck in one place. But look at you now, you are killing it. It could be for a bottle of beer, a shirt or just the bragging rights that you won over some drunk girls. Kid at heart, eh?

Beer Party
You cannot say no to a party boat guy nor to the charming pub crawl leader. You aced beer pong when you were in high school. And you are confident you can handle this too. You are not into parties but you cannot just stay inside your room while the whole hostel is having fun. It's a disease. You get infected as soon as it starts.

You've read about this right? But tell you what, you'll do this more when you're traveling. This is the part when you can tell if you've really moved on. The time when your conscience gets back at you. Or ask yourself why are you running away.This is where you realize you deserve better. There are good and bad people everywhere. Still life is beautiful.

This is the first on the list of Things Backpackers Do. Everything will lead into this. Sleep like a king. Act like you never knew what Circadian Rhythm is. You can do this all day all night and no one would mind. Go wherever, do whatever you want, this is what traveling means after all.

There is always a twist in the story. But we all want a happy ending.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Worst Advice Ever: Quit and Start Traveling

You: I'm tired of everything
Their Advice: Quit and Start Traveling

You: I despise my boss
Their Advice: Quit and Start Traveling

You: I hate my job
Their Advice: Quit and Start Traveling

They say that traveling helps with almost everything you're going through. Do you believe them? I can't blame you. You must have read all those blogs and the rainbow after the rain things. But before you start packing, let me tell you one thing that most of the travel bloggers neglect to inform people, it's not always cloud nine out there.

True. You'll love the feeling of getting out of your cubicle. Seeing places other than the screen saver on your monitor. Your bare feet in the sand and not in your uncomfortable 5 inches high heeled shoes. A drink in your hand instead of your old and barely working mouse. The lunch you don't have to take in a hurry. And my personal favorite, that feeling when someone tells you that you are living a dream and they wish they can do the same.

All right. Traveling is awesome. Ecstatic. Addictive. That's why you don't just quit and start traveling. You need to prepare. No, I don't mean "what-to-bring list". Ok. Yes, that too but that's not all. You see, when you travel, you have to prepare yourself. Physically (Self defense, better safe than sorry). Emotionally (You know what I mean). Spiritually (Not religious? Fine). And most of all, Financially! You don't want to call your parents after weeks of traveling just to ask money from them. You can but you won't because that will hurt your pride. But you're almost out of money because you did not want to stay in a mixed dorm. You did not like how they prepare the street food. You were too scared to take the public transport. You bought a lot of things you think you'll need when you get back. You needed to buy a tumbler from Starbucks for your collection. You wanted to buy souvenirs for everyone. Ha. Voila. Now you know the difference between traveling and being on vacation.

I know you've probably done your research. You know the cheapest way to go around the city. You read that you can volunteer or start writing travel blogs. Yes, you can try everything. Or you can be wiser. You can admit that you need money. You need your job. You need to work with this impossible human being called boss. So for the meantime, suck it all up. Do your job well because it will help you to sustain your travels later. Save more than enough. There is no such thing as over prepared when it comes to money anyway.

My Advice: Prepare. Quit. And Start Traveling. Sustain it.

There is always a twist in the story. But we all want a happy ending.